Matching undamaged parts (contents)
Finding a perfect match can be challenging, time-consuming, and costly, so it’s nice to know if there are certain instances where it might be covered under Suncorp’s Contents Insurance.
What policy covers matching undamaged parts (contents)
What’s covered
We’ll cover extra costs to repair, replace or rebuild certain undamaged parts of the contents to achieve a uniform appearance where a claim for loss or damage to the contents is covered, and new materials cannot be matched to undamaged parts.
For example, we'll replace undamaged blinds, curtains and carpets in the same room, stairs or hallway where damage occurred to match the new repairs. Know that the most we will pay for any one incident is outlined in the table above.
What’s not covered
There are some instances where you will not receive coverage, such as the loss or damage was the result of an event not covered under this policy, like loss or damage due to mould or mildew. You can learn more about this coverage and other exclusions in the Product Disclosure Statement.