

Mortgage discharge costs


Here is a bit more information on the coverage for mortgage discharge costs under Suncorp Home Insurance.

What policy provides cover


Yes. The most we will pay for any incident is $1,000.

Classic Extras

Yes. The most we will pay for any incident is $1,500.

Classic Advantages

Yes. The most we will pay for any incident is $2,000.

What’s covered

If we pay a claim for your home to a credit provider that fully repays your home loan, we’ll pay the administrative and legal costs of discharging the mortgage or removing the mortgagee from your home’s land title.

Know that the most we will pay for any incident for our levels of cover are outlined in the table above.

What’s not covered

We don’t cover penalty interest rate charges or early loan repayment charges imposed on you by the credit provider.

You can learn more about this coverage and other exclusions in the Product Disclosure Statement.