Common questions
Your policy number can be found on your certificate of insurance. Can’t find your policy number? Find my policy.
Do it online
Home and Car policy holders can easily login/register to My Suncorp to:
- View & update your policy details
- Update your contact details & address
- Tailor & pay your renewal
Get in touch
Suncorp Bank has a new website
Find out what this means for you and your digital banking experience.
Write to us
PO Box 1453
Brisbane QLD 4001
Are you experiencing financial difficulty?
Are you experiencing or expecting a period in which you are unable to meet your financial commitments? Here at Suncorp, we're committed to helping you out.
For hearing or speech impaired customers
For customers who have hearing and or speech impairments to make and receive phone calls or who may have difficulty speaking English:
National Relay Service
Telephone Typewriter (TTY) Users - call 133 677 and; then ask for 13 11 55.
Speak and Listen Users - call 1300 555 727 and; then ask for 13 11 55.
Internet Relay Users - connect to the NRS website and; then ask for 13 11 55.
Language, Translation and Interpreting services - connect to Website Call: 1800 131 450 and; then ask for 13 11 55.
General Enquiries