The essential storm checklist

Here are some suggested ideas about preparing for a storm (general information only)

What you can do now

  • Check your roof for damaged or loose tiles, or raised corners of corrugated sheets. A roof in good repair will be more likely to withstand the pressure inflicted by high winds and keep water out. 
  • Put together a small evacuation package keepsakes and things you would hate to lose, in case you need to evacuate quickly. 
  • Trim overgrown tree branches and remove or secure loose items around the garden which could become projectiles during high winds. DO NOT attempt to trim trees near powerlines. 
  • Keep spare batteries, canned non-perishable food, can opener, water, first-aid kit and blankets handy and identify a shelter room in your house if evacuation isn’t possible. 
  • Keep a battery operated torch and radio handy in case of loss of electricity. Use the radio for power restoration updates and possible evacuation notice. 
  • Practice evacuating your pet to a safe location. Make sure their tags have up-to-date contact information. Prepare an emergency kit ahead of time, including food, water and any medication. Talk to your vet about any special considerations

What you can do as the storm approaches or during the storm

  • Any outside furniture, bikes, ornaments, toys, pot plants etc. should be either secured or if possible taken inside.
  • If power is lost, turn off and unplug electrical items especially computers. DO NOT use wet or damp electrical appliances.
  • Secure doors, windows and any awnings you have. Covering windows with plywood can be a good last minute protection.
  • Fill containers with drinking water. 
  • Move cars into garage if you have one.
  • Listen to your local radio station, with a battery operated radio, for storm and power supply updates and any evacuation plans if needed. 
  • If you have a garage door, back your car against the inside of the door to help prevent it twisting in high winds.
  • Stay clear of fallen powerlines
  • Stay indoors away from windows. Move furniture and fixtures away from window and door openings.

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We do not insure you for bushfire, storm, flood or tsunami in the first 72 hours of your policy. Very limited exceptions apply. Read the PDS for more detail.

Actions or movements of the sea and storm surge are not covered (unless the storm surge damage occurs at the same time as damage caused by storm). Other exclusions apply.

Insurance is issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 trading as Suncorp Insurance. Consider the Product Disclosure Statement before making a decision about this insurance. This advice has been prepared without taking into account your particular objectives, financial situations or needs, so you should consider whether it is appropriate for you before acting on it.

The information is intended to be of general nature only. Subject to any rights you may have under any law, we do not accept any legal responsibility for any loss or damage, including loss of business or profits or any other indirect loss, incurred as a result of reliance upon the information. Please make your own enquiries.