
Every girl’s endgame:
AIS Athletes

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Team Girls is dedicated to fostering and promoting girls’ participation in sport. It’s about girls supporting girls, building up their confidence, and knowing they’re stronger when they stand together – on and off the court.

Being a female athlete can be a tough road to travel. You’ve got to push that little bit harder, hold out that little bit longer and be more resilient than you can ever imagine.

At Suncorp, we’re committed to women’s sport. Partnering with the AIS, we spoke to five incredible female athletes about what it takes to get to the top. The ups, the downs, the support and the resilience required that make it all worthwhile. We’re sure you’ll be just as inspired as we are by gymnast Georgia Godwin, para-equestrian Zoe Vorenas, athletics race walker Jemima Montag, wheelchair rugby player Shae Graham and table tennis player Milly Tapper.

Resilience – How has sport helped you to be more resilient?

Join us and discover the role resilience has played in their journey. Featuring Georgia Godwin, Zoe Vorenas, Jemima Montag, Shae Graham and Milly Tapper.

Confidence – How do athletes get the confidence to be successful?

We uncover the incredible friendships they’ve made along the way to the top. Featuring Georgia Godwin, Zoe Vorenas, Jemima Montag, Shae Graham and Milly Tapper.

Support – How influential is your support network?

We discover what support means to them. Featuring Georgia Godwin, Zoe Vorenas, Jemima Montag, Shae Graham and Milly Tapper.

Endgame – What does endgame mean to these athletes?

We asked how sport has helped shape their endgame. Featuring Georgia Godwin, Zoe Vorenas, Jemima Montag, Shae Graham and Milly Tapper.

If your child, or anyone you know is having issues with self-esteem, confidence or mental or physical health, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.

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