Maintaining your home

Find out the best ways to protect your home and its contents from damage or unwanted guests. Home insurance is just one way to give you peace of mind. Explore more now.

Tips to prepare your home for hailstorms

We all know how bad hailstorms can be in Australia, and the damage they can cause. Follow these tips to prepare your home for the next downpour.

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How to renovate with the right people involved

So you want to renovate your property… but where do you start? Here are the key people you should know for a successful renovation. – Read more

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How renovating can boost your home’s worth

Home renovations can be time-consuming, but also worth it – if you do it right. Read more to learn about how you can potentially boost your home’s worth through a renovation.

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4 tips to cutting down costs on your renovation project

Don’t start your renovation before you check out our 5 tips for cutting down costs. Read more.

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What tradie you need for your home renovation

Whether you have an odd job around the house or a major renovation planned, you will need a tradie or two. Find out who you need for your project and why. – Read More

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What can a handyman do for me?

If you have been putting off those small jobs around the house that you don’t have time for or don’t know how to do – call a handyman. But what can they do for you? – Read More

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