My Car

A car is a valuable asset which enables you to lead the lifestyle you want. There is a lot you can do to protect and maintain your car.

Does Car Insurance Cover Additional Drivers?

Wondering if you’re covered on the roads when someone else is driving your car? Learn what our car insurance covers when it comes to additional drivers.

Does Car Insurance cover trailers or towed caravans?

Own a caravan or trailer? Here’s what you should know about caravan insurance – from what’s covered to why you might consider it.

4 safe driving tips even seasoned drivers forget

Whether you’re a seasoned driver or a P-plater, you should brush up on some safe driving tips. Here’s what you should know before you hit the road.

What To Know About Insuring Your 4WD Accessories | Suncorp Insurance

If you’re planning on heading out into the bush, know what 4WD accessories you’re covered for with your car insurance.

The most common car insurance claims

Ever wondered what types of car accidents are commonly claimed for? The AAMI 2018 Crash Index reveals the most common car insurance claims in each state.

Do I need CTP Insurance for my motorcycle?

Got your hands on a new motorbike? Before you take to the road, you’ll need motorcycle CTP. Learn about the motorbike CTP rules in Queensland.

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