Canstar 2016-2024 Outstanding Claims Service Car Insurance Award

We’re an award-winning insurer. 9 years in a row.

Our Car insurance has won Canstar's Outstanding Claims Service Award from 2016 - 2024.

Car Insurance

Just need basic cover that’ll help you with repair bills for damage you might be liable for? Or maybe cover that’ll also help you repair your car after an incident, or replace your car if there has been a total loss1? What about optional covers? We have a range of car insurance options, so you can find what suits your needs and budget.

Cover for your car and other people’s property

Comprehensive Car Insurance

Get $50 off

First Year Online Discount*

Choose between Comprehensive, Comprehensive Extras and Comprehensive Advantages.

Market Value

Market value option is available to new policies purchased on or after 5th August 2021 or renewing policies on or after 8th September 2021.

Note, market value option is only available on Extras & Advantages level of cover.

We’ll cover you for:

  • Liability for loss or damage your car causes to other people's property up to $20 million
  • Accidental loss or damage to your car up to your amount covered or its market value, as shown on your certificate of insurance
  • Malicious damage or vandalism
  • 2 year new for old car replacement1
  • Hire car after theft for up to 21 days

You can add optional covers for an additional cost, depending on the level of cover that you choose, such as:

  • Roadside Assist^
  • Hire car after an event for unlimited days
  • Windscreen and window glass damage

Cover for other people’s property

Third Party Property Damage

Get $20 off

First Year Online Discount*

We’ll cover you for:

  • Legal liability for loss or damage your car causes to another person’s vehicle or property up to $20 million
  • Damage by uninsured drivers (up to $5,000)
  • Third party property damage caused by caravans and trailers towed by your car

Cover for other people’s property + Fire & Theft

Third Party Fire & Theft Insurance

Get $20 off

First Year Online Discount*

We’ll cover you for:

  • Damage or loss from a fire or theft
  • A rental car for up to 21 days following a theft
  • Repairer needed due to fire or theft

Our Different types of Car Insurance explained:

Comprehensive Car Insurance: Offers cover for accidental loss or damage to your car caused by an incident during the period of insurance. Examples of incidents include, hail, storm (including cyclone), fire, theft and collision. We also OFFER cover FOR your legal liability to pay compensation for loss or damage to other people’s property from the use of your car. Limits, conditions and exclusions apply. Read the PDS for details.

Fire, Theft & Third Party Property Damage: Offers cover for accidental loss or damage to your car during the period of insurance caused by fire and theft. We also offer cover for your legal liability to pay compensation for loss or damage to other people’s property arising from the use of your car. Limits, conditions and exclusions apply. Read the PDS for details.

Third Party Property Damage cover: Offers Cover for your legal liability to pay compensation for loss or damage to other people’s property arising from the use of your car. Limits, conditions and exclusions apply. Read the PDS for details.

Add Suncorp Roadside Assist^ from less than $95 per year with no joining fee.

Ways to save on Car Insurance

Claims process

If you need to make a claim on your Comprehensive Car Insurance, rest assured we will help you with our local expertise every step of the way.

Why choose Suncorp Car Insurance?

  • Get a quick online quote in just minutes
  • Online discounts*, like $20 off Third Party Car Insurance and $50 off Comprehensive Car Insurance for the first year’s premium, for new customers who apply and buy insurance online.
  • Low kilometre savings for customers who drive their car less
  • 15% multi-policy discount# when you combine any 3 or more eligible policies for a discount
  • Award winning claims service
  • 24/7 assistance over the phone or online
  • Trusted insurer of over 500,000 Australians
  • Claims Free Driver Rewards for every consecutive year you don’t make an excess payable claim.

Frequently asked questions

Insights and stories

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* Any subsequent discounts are applied to the already discounted premium, before government taxes and charges.

^ There is no cover for Suncorp Roadside Assist during the first 24 hours of adding the cover. Conditions and limits apply, including fuel value, towing distance and key assistance limits. Replacement battery cost is additional.

1 Your car becomes a total loss if it is uneconomical or unsafe to repair, including where the combined repair costs and salvage value are likely to be more than the amount covered by your policy. If your car is a total loss (which includes where your car is stolen and unrecovered after 14 days and we accept your claim for theft), and is less than 2 years old and you bought the car as a new or an ex-demo model from a licensed motor dealer, we'll replace your car with a new one of the same or similar make and model.

3 We’ll cover the reasonable cost of a hire car using our provider, if they have one available within a reasonable distance of your location. If they don’t, we’ll pay you the reasonable cost to hire a car that meets your transport needs, or the cost you incur in making alternative travel arrangements.

To qualify for this additional cover, you will need to show that the driver of your car didn't contribute to the accident, for example by providing a police report, and you must also provide us with the name and address of the person at fault, and the registration number of the at-fault vehicle.

#15% Multi Policy Discount: Combine 3 or more eligible products with us and you could qualify for a 15% Multi-Policy Discount. ​Eligible policies are Suncorp Home, Contents, Landlord, Car, Motorcycle, Caravan (including trailer), Motorhome and Boat insurance. Suncorp QLD CTP Insurance counts as an eligible policy, but it cannot be discounted due to government regulations. Discounts do not apply to Suncorp Roadside Assist, Suncorp Insurance Home Assist and Excess-free Glass optional covers. Taxes and charges are not discounted. View full terms and conditions.

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You bought it new

We also provide this benefit if it was your spouse, partner, de facto, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister or the company of which you are a director who bought your car new, or as an ex demo model from a licensed dealer.

Market Value

Market value option is available to new policies purchased on or after 5th August 2021 or renewing policies on or after 8th September 2021.

Note, market value option is only available on Extras & Advantages level of cover.

Driver Protection Cover

Driver Protection Cover includes up to $1 million in benefits for specific serious injuries to eligible at-fault drivers. It also includes access to a lump sum payment of $5,000 which may help pay for upfront costs like medical and rehabilitation expenses.

After claim expenses

If your car's stolen or damaged in an incident we will pay up to a total of $1000 towards:

  • emergency travel and accommodation if your car's not safe to drive and you're more than 100klm away from home
  • emergency repairs to make your car roadworthy or safe so that you can get to your destination or to a repairer
  • replacing your personal property such as clothing or electronic and telecommunication devices lost or damaged at the time of the incident.

Note: you need to provide us with all invoices and receipts

Hire car after theft for up to 21 days

We'll cover the reasonable cost of a hire car that meets your needs for up to 21 days following theft, or attempted theft following any approved claim. Conditions apply.
Please note: A hire car cannot be used by learner drivers.  Terms and conditions apply, see the PDS for full details

Uninsured Drivers

This applies when your car is damaged in a collision with another vehicle driven by an uninsured driver, but only if we agree that you are not at fault, and you give us the name and address of the uninsured driver or their vehicle's registration details.

First eligible policy

If you first purchase or have an existing Suncorp Car, Suncorp QLD CTP, Suncorp Motorcycle or Suncorp Home and/or Contents insurance policy, you will be eligible for this campaign. Refer to the T&Cs.

Second new eligible Policy purchased

  • If you first purchase or have an existing Suncorp Car or Motorcycle policy, you can get 20% off new Suncorp home insurance.  (‘New Suncorp home insurance’ excludes landlord and strata insurance)
  • If you first purchase or have an existing Suncorp Home or QLD CTP policy, you can get 20% off new Suncorp car insurance.  (‘New Suncorp car insurance’ excludes QLD CTP and Suncorp Roadside Assist)

Refer to the T&Cs.

Substantially Damaged

When your home is substantially damaged by an insured event (meaning the assessed quote to repair or rebuild is at least $50,000 or 10% of your home sum insured, whichever is more). Please refer to PDS for full Details.