Team Girls

For teen girls, sport can be a confidence-game changer. You can change the score by helping the special girls in your life to stay in the game and boost their own confidence – read on here for articles and tools to help you along the way.

“We lost AGAIN!” – navigating the ups and downs of competitive sport

It’s easy to love sport when you’re winning but losing, that’s a little harder. Bec Sparrow provides us with tips on how to navigate winning and losing with your child.

In Their Corner: A Guide For Parents Coaching Young Athletes

This resource is designed to introduce you to Sport Australia’s Physical Literacy Framework and help you get the ball rolling with ideas around how you could use it in your coaching.

Suncorp Team Girls and Social Media

When your daughter is the only one without social media…

Suncorp Team Girls and The Car Ride Home

How to talk to your daughter on the way home from netball

Determination, hard work and resilience are all part of Lara Dunkley’s journey to the Suncorp Super Netball.

Determination, hard work and resilience are all part of Lara Dunkley’s journey to the Suncorp Super Netball.

Dads are part of Team Girls too. Mark Howard shares his favourite sporting moments with his daughter

Dads are part of Team Girls too. Mark Howard shares his favourite sporting moments with his daughter.

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