Team Girls

For teen girls, sport can be a confidence-game changer. You can change the score by helping the special girls in your life to stay in the game and boost their own confidence – read on here for articles and tools to help you along the way.

5 steps to introduce your daughter to social media

As parents it's easy to worry about our kids on social media and them falling into the 'compare and despair' cycle. But social media can also be an empowering space, with the help of these tips. - Find out more

5 steps to help boost your daughter's body image

In the age of social media, photoshop and filters, the body image of young girls is at risk more than ever. Regardless of size, weight or height, every girl should be able to feel confident about their body image. - Find out more

6 books to add to your daughter's bookshelf

Inspire and empower your daughter through the power of words. These books are a great way to remind her of how special she is and how much she can achieve. - Read more

#TeamGirls in 10 podcasts

From body image to the importance of sleep, #TeamGirls in 10 is a short podcast series presented by Bec Sparrow addressing a range of topics influencing young girls. - Read more

Laura Geitz shares her #TeamGirls story

Laura Geitz: Queensland Firebird, Samsung Diamond, Suncorp Ambassador, mother and #TeamGirl. Hear her #TeamGirls story about how the smallest gesture can have a big impact. - Watch the video here

The pressures girls are facing today

Girls have more opportunities than ever, which also means more pressure. Hear from a group of young girls about the challenges they're facing and why they need the support of each other. - Watch the video here

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