Team Girls

For teen girls, sport can be a confidence-game changer. You can change the score by helping the special girls in your life to stay in the game and boost their own confidence – read on here for articles and tools to help you along the way.

The Off-Court All Stars

A match to inspire girls around the country and showcase how netball helps you reach your goals - no matter what they are.

The Off-Court All Stars - Team Gretel

Meet the Off-Court All Stars - Team Gretel.

The Off-Court All Stars - Team Laura

Meet the Off-Court All Stars - Team Laura.

Every girl’s endgame: AIS Athletes

At Suncorp, we’re committed to women’s sport. Partnering with the AIS, we spoke to five incredible female athletes about what it takes to get to the top.

Staying in the Game

At Suncorp, we’re committed to women’s sport. We spoke with netball legends Laura Geitz & Gretel Bueta about what kept them coming back for more on the court.

Video: Laura Geitz's top tips for the off-season

Suncorp Team Girls ambassador, Laura Geitz gives her top tips for staying active and connected during the off-season.

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