Team Girls

For teen girls, sport can be a confidence-game changer. You can change the score by helping the special girls in your life to stay in the game and boost their own confidence – read on here for articles and tools to help you along the way.

Susie O’Neill: The one piece of advice I will not pass on to my daughter

Former Olympian Susie O’Neill reflects on future hopes for her daughter and partnering with Team Girls.

Collingwood Magpies’ Gabby Sinclair and the importance of role models

Collingwood Magpies’ Gabby Sinclair and the importance of role models

Laura Geitz speaks about Team Girls with On Her Game podcast host Sam Squiers

Netball legend Laura Geitz speaks to Sam Squiers for the One Her Game podcast about Suncorp Team Girls and the importance of sports for confidence and resilience.

Coach’s talk: staying positive

Clare Ferguson, Specialist Coach for the Australian Diamonds, talks to Suncorp Team Girls about how she nurtures positivity both on and off the court.

When it comes to girls and sport – 2019 doesn’t add up

What's the deal with negative self-talk? How do you convince a teenager to not quit sport? Suncorp's Team Girls resources have helpful articles for parents, teenagers and anyone else who'd like to help build the next generation of confident girls on and off the court. Explore now and be inspired.

VIDEO: PlayersVoice stories

Check out the inspiring stories of Liz Ellis, Laura Geitz, Ash Brazill, Alicia Quirk and Morgan Mitchell whom have played sport at the highest level. Read more.

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