ctp insurance claims

How to start your road accident injury claim

It’s quicker to lodge direct with Queensland’s largest CTP Insurer.

Did you know that you can lodge your claim directly without a lawyer?

If you were injured in a car accident and the driver at fault is insured by Suncorp CTP Insurance, you can start your injury claim quickly by calling us direct on 13 11 60 or start your claim online here.

Process for making a claim

Step 1

Call us to start your claim, or claim online

Our CTP Claims Concierge can:

  • Complete the claim form with you
  • Identify the insurer of the vehicle at fault, and
  • Lodge your claim right away

Step 2

We’ll support you and assess your claim

We'll provide:

  • a claims advisor to promptly coordinate treatment and rehabilitation
  • an assessment of your entitlements, and
  • an injury management expert to provide tailored support and assist with early recovery and rehabilitation.

Step 3

Receive rehabilitation and compensation

We have a pathway for every recovery and a network of physiotherapy and allied health professional clinics to help you with your treatment.

We can also arrange for your treating doctor or provider to bill us directly for your reasonable expenses so you’re not left out of pocket.

Ways we can help

Benefits of direct lodgement

Customers in need receive quicker access to treatment and rehabilitation

Suncorp Insurance works collaboratively with healthcare providers to ensure quicker recovery for road accident victims.

Keep 100% of your compensation*

In Queensland, a lawyer acting on a 'no win no fee' basis can charge up to 50% of your compensation*. By claiming directly through Suncorp Insurance, 100% of your compensation* is paid to you.

*Your ‘compensation’ means your damages plus that part of your legal costs payable by the Insurer less the total of the applicable statutory refunds (e.g. to Medicare) and disbursements (e.g. fees for medical reports). If you deal directly with the insurer, you are not likely to have legal costs that may or may not be reimbursed by the insurer.

We are Qld’s largest CTP Insurer with personal injury claims specialists here to help

Suncorp Insurance is Qld’s largest CTP insurer covering over two million vehicles. Our Qld-based CTP Claims and Concierge team is made up of personal injury specialists who will guide you through every step of the claim.

We also offer in-person claims support and will work directly with you and your healthcare providers to ensure your swift recovery.

What compensation can I claim?

Circumstances vary but your entitlements may include:

  • Medical treatment and rehabilitation
  • Loss of income
  • Pain and suffering

What our customers are saying

Learn more about CTP

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Frequently asked questions

Have you been injured by one of our insured drivers?

Only you can decide if a CTP claim is right for you based on your individual circumstances. Nothing in Suncorp Insurance messaging should be taken as encouraging or inducing any person to make a CTP claim.

The information is intended to be of general nature only. Subject to any rights you may have under any law, we do not accept any legal responsibility for any loss or damage, including loss of business or profits or any other indirect loss, incurred as a result of reliance upon the information. Please make your own enquiries.

Qld CTP Claims Complaints or to resolve a dispute

If you have a complaint about our service or our decisions, please contact your Claims Advisor. If they can’t resolve the issue, they’ll refer the complaint to their Leader or delegate who will respond within 5 business days.

If you prefer not to do this, or if you are not satisfied with how we handle your complaint, you may request a review by emailing CTPSchemeCustomerSolutions@suncorp.com.au

Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC)

The Commission is the government body that oversees Queensland’s CTP scheme. They can give you general information about the claims process.

Phone: 1300 302 568 or visit maic.qld.gov.au.

Has your car been damaged?

Customers in need receive quicker access to treatment and rehabilitation

Suncorp Insurance works collaboratively with healthcare providers to ensure quicker recovery for road accident victims.

Keep 100% of your compensation*

In Queensland, a lawyer acting on a 'no win no fee' basis can charge up to 50% of your compensation*. By claiming directly through Suncorp Insurance, 100% of your compensation* is paid to you.

*Your ‘compensation’ means your damages plus that part of your legal costs payable by the Insurer less the total of the applicable statutory refunds (e.g. to Medicare) and disbursements (e.g. fees for medical reports). If you deal directly with the insurer, you are not likely to have legal costs that may or may not be reimbursed by the insurer.

We are Qld’s largest CTP Insurer with personal injury claims specialists here to help

Suncorp Insurance is Qld’s largest CTP insurer covering over two million vehicles. Our Qld-based CTP Claims and Concierge team is made up of personal injury specialists who will guide you through every step of the claim.

We also offer in-person claims support and will work directly with you and your healthcare providers to ensure your swift recovery.