Your duty to us: no misrepresentation

Before you buy, make changes to or reinstate this consumer insurance contract we will ask you questions. Your answers will be used to decide if we can insure you and on what terms.

You have a duty to us under the Insurance Contracts Act to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation. To make sure that you meet this duty to us, it is important that you answer all questions truthfully and accurately.

If you give us information that is not true and accurate, we may be able to reduce or refuse to pay a claim or cancel your policy, or both. If your failure is fraudulent, we may be able to refuse to pay a claim and treat the contract as if it never existed.

By getting a quote you agree that the right PDS is being made available to you by this website, have read "Your duty to us: no misrepresentation" and agree with our Online Terms & Privacy Statement.

Have you read and understood "Your duty to us: no misrepresentation"?

You must read and understand "Your duty to us: no misrepresentation" before you're able to continue with your quote. If you need any assistance please contact us on 13 11 55.

To help us get you a quote, please answer the following questions.

Will anyone apart from you be riding this bike repeatedly?

In the last 3 years have you or any rider to be insured under this policy had any motor vehicle related claims, driver’s licence suspensions, cancellations, disqualifications or restrictions?

Is this bike used for business?

Is this bike road registered?

Does your bike have custom or specialised paint (after market), a modified frame or subframes, a petrol/LPG super charger (after market) or turbo charger or nitro?

All other modifications and accessories fitted to your bike are automatically covered.

Do you have two or more of the following Suncorp Insurance policies?

Eligible policies include: Car, QLD CTP, Home (Building), Contents, Landlord, Motorcycle, Car Trailer, Caravan, Boat and Motorhome. For full terms and conditions click here.

Have you completed an advanced rider course?

Sorry, we are unable to offer you a quote

We relied on your answers to our questions to assess your application. Based on your answers, we’re unable to offer insurance due to the following:

  • No cover is available for business or commercial use.
  • The type of accessories or modifications you have on your bike.

What to do next

For assistance with finding another insurance provider, contact the Insurance Council of Australia. Alternatively you can call them on 02 9253 5100 or 1300 728 228.