We’re receiving a high volume of claims due to the recent severe weather, but rest assured we’re here to help.
Our claims team is on the ground and ready to speak to customers in person. View times & locations or make a claim.
Suncorp Home Insurance
Get Storm and Flood Cover automatically included with all Suncorp Home Insurance products.1
Terms and conditions apply. Please read the PDS for full details
Insurance that covers you when you need it most
For over 100 years, Suncorp Insurance has been providing everyday Australians with support and a helping hand when they need it most. Suncorp Insurance can help protect your valuable assets with a suite of home, contents and car insurance options. You can also access Suncorp branded income protection, life, and health insurance to help support you and the things you value and rely on.
Prepare for weather events
If you’re looking to prepare for or have been impacted by a weather event, find valuable tips on our dedicated weather event pages.
Our most popular products
Ways to save on your insurance
Multi policy discount3
Combine any 3 or more eligible policies and get a 15% multi-policy discount.
Online discount#
Get a discount when you quote and buy your policy online.
Vary your excess
If you increase your standard excess, you can save on your premium.
Explore our products
Car and vehicle
Home and property
Other types of insurance
1 Actions or movements of the sea and storm surge are not covered (unless the storm surge damage occurs at the same time as damage caused by storm). We don't cover retaining walls or damage caused by flood or storm to wharves, jetties, pontoons, other exclusions apply.
We do not insure you for bushfire, storm, flood or tsunami in the first 72 hours of your policy. Very limited exceptions apply. See PDS for more details.
2 Extra premium and injury to pet dogs and cats excess will apply.
3 15% Multi Policy Discount: Combine 3 or more eligible products with us and you could qualify for a 15% Multi-Policy Discount. Eligible policies are Suncorp Home, Contents, Landlord, Car, Motorcycle, Caravan (including trailer), Motorhome and Boat insurance. Suncorp QLD CTP Insurance counts as an eligible policy, but it cannot be discounted due to government regulations. Discounts do not apply to Suncorp Roadside Assist, Suncorp Insurance Home Assist and Excess-free Glass optional covers. Taxes and charges are not discounted. View full terms and conditions.
# Offer available only for the purchase of a new eligible policy of insurance issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 AFSL 230859 trading as Suncorp Insurance. Discount will be applied upon purchase of the new eligible policy of insurance and subtracted from the price of the premium.
If you’re eligible for more than one discount, we apply any subsequent discount to the already discounted premium (usually before adding taxes and charges).
Insurance issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 AFSL 230859 trading as Suncorp Insurance. Limits, conditions and exclusions apply. Before buying this insurance, read the relevant PDS and consider whether it is right for you. The Target Market Determination is also available.
Lifetime repair guarantee
For repairs we authorise, the quality of the workmanship and materials used in the repair of your car are guaranteed for the life of your car.
2 year new-for-old car replacement after a total loss
Your car becomes a total loss if it is uneconomical or unsafe to repair, including where the combined repair costs and salvage value are likely to be more than the amount covered by your policy.
If your car is a total loss (which includes where your car is stolen and unrecovered after 14 days and we accept your claim for theft), and less than 2 years old and you bought it new, we'll replace your car with a new one of the same or similar make and model.
Refer to the PDS for more information.
Hire car after theft for up to 21 days
We'll cover the reasonable cost of a hire car that meets your needs for up to 21 days following theft covered by your policy.
Please note: A hire car cannot be used by learner drivers.
Terms, exclusions and conditions apply. See the PDS for full details.
Market Value
Market value option is available to new policies purchased on or after 5th August 2021 or renewing policies on or after 8th September 2021.
Note, market value option is only available on Extras & Advantages level of cover.
Flood means the covering of normally dry land by water that has escaped or been released from the normal confines of things like a lake, river, reservoir, canal or other natural watercourse.
Actions or movements of the sea or storm surge are not covered. Some things we don't cover are damage to retaining walls, jetties, pontoons and garden borders.
Storm means a storm, cyclone or severe atmospheric disturbance. It can be accompanied by strong winds, rain, lightning, hail, snow, or dust.
It includes loss or damage caused by a landslide or subsidence within 72 hours of, and directly because of, a storm and not because of erosion, structural fault or design fault.
Riot and civil commotion
An example of a riot, civil commotion or public disturbance event would be damage caused by a violent crowd moving down your street.
It doesn't cover loss or damage caused by someone who had consent to enter the insured address and doesn't cover loss or damage if anyone living at the insured address participated in the disturbance.
Lightning, including power surges caused by lightning, will be covered providing a qualified repairer gives written confirmation to show lightning as the cause of loss or damage and the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology has a record of lightning in the area.
Loss or damage caused by fire (includes bushfire) and heat, ash, soot and smoke that is a direct result of a fire within 100 metres of the insured address.
It doesn’t include arcing, scorching or cigarette burns unless a fire spreads from the initial burn spot.
Pollution or vapour damage by a home heater or cooking appliance is covered if a fire spreads from the initial source.
If there is a bushfire in your area, we also cover the cost of replacing water in any tank, container, pool, spa and any other storage vessel, even if there is no physical damage to your property. The most we will pay is $1,000.
Theft and burglary
Theft or burglary occurs when someone enters the insured address without your consent and steals or intends to steal items.
We don't cover loss or damage caused by thieves or burglars entering the insured address from common property without signs of forced entry, or loss or damage caused by anyone living at the address.
We cover loss or damage caused by an explosion but we don't cover the cost of repairing or replacing the container or tank that exploded.
Earthquake and tsunami
We cover damage that occurs within the first 72 hours following an earthquake or tsunami.
This includes cover for damage caused by a landslide or subsidence within 72 hours of, and directly because of, an earthquake or tsunami. It doesn't cover damage caused by erosion over time or a structural or design fault.
Malicious acts
Malicious acts or vandalism includes things like vandals damaging your letterbox or painting graffiti on your home.
It doesn't include damage caused by someone who lives or is staying at the insured address or who entered the insured address with your consent.
Damage by animal
This covers loss or damage caused by an animal that becomes accidentally trapped inside your home.
We don't cover damage caused by any animal you own or are responsible for, or has been allowed onto the insured address, or damage caused by insects, vermin or rodents (unless the damage they caused is covered under fire or escape of liquid).
Impact covers damage caused by impact from things like a falling tree, power poles, tv antennas, aircrafts, motor vehicles and even space debris.
It doesn't include damage caused by trees being lopped, felled or transplanted by you or for you.
Escape of liquid
This covers damage caused by liquid leaking, overflowing or bursting from things like your fridge, washing machine, bath (but not shower), toilet, fixed pipes (except agricultural pipes), swimming pool, water main, fixed cooling system or an aquarium.
We do not cover the cost of fixing the leak itself, wear, tear and gradual deterioration or loss or damage as a result of a gradual process of liquid leaking, splashing, dripping or overflowing. See the PDS for more details on what we don't cover.
First eligible policy
If you first purchase or have an existing Suncorp Car, Suncorp QLD CTP, Suncorp Motorcycle or Suncorp Home and/or Contents insurance policy, you will be eligible for this campaign. Refer to the T&Cs.
Second new eligible Policy purchased
- If you first purchase or have an existing Suncorp Car or Motorcycle policy, you can get 20% off new Suncorp home insurance. (‘New Suncorp home insurance’ excludes landlord and strata insurance)
- If you first purchase or have an existing Suncorp Home or QLD CTP policy, you can get 20% off new Suncorp car insurance. (‘New Suncorp car insurance’ excludes QLD CTP and Suncorp Roadside Assist)
Substantially Damaged
When your home is substantially damaged by an insured event (meaning the assessed quote to repair or rebuild is at least $50,000 or 10% of your home sum insured, whichever is more). Please refer to PDS for full Details.